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TIMETABLE OVERVIEW (Updated: May 24, 2013. Subject to change.)
Please click here to see the timetable overview

SESSION TIMETABLE (Updated: June 1, 2013. Subject to change.)
Please click here to see the session timetable incl. rooms (Sessions listed alphabetically)

11:00 - 11:30
Inaugural ceremony

11:30 - 12:30
Plenary session #1: Shifting Global Contexts

14:30 - 15:30
Plenary session #2: Advances and Contestations: Contemporary Sociology in Its Global Contexts

16:00 - 17:00
Plenary session #3: Lifeworlds: Overcoming the Sociological/Anthropological Divide

9:30 - 11:00
- Clinical Sociology: Improving Lives and Communities through Analysis and Intervention (Fritz/Overland)

- Emotions-inclusive’ sociology (Jerabek)

- Professionalisation in the Period of Local and Global Transformations (Mansurov/Yurchenko)

- Religion in a Global Context (Cipriani)

- Rethinking the Legacy of the Second World in the Shifting Global Contexts (Titarenko/Eliaeson)

- The Making of the Common in Social Relations, part I (Resende/Martins/Dionísio)

11:30 - 13:00
- Contemporary Social Communication: Stress for Social Institution (Sharonova/Nazarova)

- Ecology and/or Religion (Serafimova)

- History and Statements of Citizenship: Between Social Cohesion and Cultural Exchanges (Verpraet)

- The Making of the Common in Social Relations, part II (Resende/Martins/Dionísio)

- The Significance of Classics to Understand Transformation Processes in the New Global Context (Eliaeson/Titarenko)

- Towards a Sociology of the Welfare State in Times of (Global) Economic Domination (Baranowski)

14:30 - 16:00
- Citizen Participation and the Local Employment Process: Mutuality and Community Resilience Issues (Tsobanoglou)

- Comparative Capitalism in Eurasia: Debates and Challenges for Sociological Inquiries (Rezaev/Lachmann)

- Conceptualizing Inequality: Does Difference Make A Difference? (Boatca/Reis)

- Sacrality: Agents and Configurations (Machado)

- Social Inequality and Socio-cultural Differentiation in the Global Age: Re-reading Bourdieu (Amelina/Nowicka)

- Social Interaction: Experimental and Computational Analysis (Squazzoni/Takács)

- The Origins of Modern and Contemporary Sociology (Ishitsuka)

16:15 - 17:45
- Contemporary Historical Textbooks and the Ways of Representation of the Past in the 21st Century (Kurbatov/Bennich-Björkman)

- Resilience/Sustainability for Communities in Crisis (Tsobanoglou)

- Sociological Theory and Research after 3.11,2011, Fukushima (Ishitsuka)

- The Stranger in the Postsecular World (Podlesnaya/Ryzantzev)